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Micro Games Tables of Contents

It's Dangerous To Go Alone --- Take This

Buy on An adventure TTRPG meant to be played while at conventions or on the go with nothing but the contents of one person's bag. One player is an adventure and the other player is lending them common objects to help them on their adventure. 

i wish i was just as strong as i make myself out to be

Buy on It is an improv card game about feelings and the relationship people have with one another. It is a collaborative card-based story game where you and up to five other players use question cards to create a narrative together to explore the intricacies and nuances of various shared relationships

if we don't talk again remember that i love you

Buy on Is a single-player narrative game about leaving behind someone that you love. You are embarking on a long and possibly one-directional trip somewhere and do not have the time to say goodbye in person. You have decided to put on paper and share a memory with the person you love before leaving. 

Oh Darling, I Won't Always Be This

A single-player adventure narrative TTRPG about how people change in unexpected and new ways over time when put into difficult situations. The player answers a series of questions to build out a story and world of their choosing before embarking on a journey to find their place in this new world they find themselves in. 

A revisionist history of our love story

A two-player improv narrative card game about a retrospective of the relationship of a couple and looking back through rose-colored lenses. Players each tell a version of what happened from their points of view then collectively decided which version they like the best until they can no longer decide which version they like best which is the reason for their inevitable split. 

All The Stars In The Sky

Buy on A co-opt card-based narrative game where one player is the quartermaster and is tasked with leading a player through a heist against a single opposing player who must protect their secret item at all costs. 

We few bags of bones

A horror-themed D6 based TTRPG where you wake up in a cemetery and must escape it but at every turn, there are new and frightening obstacles that stand in your way trying to keep you from the exit. There is an in-game clock system and only until sunrise to escape.

to all the people i've left behind

A card-based TTRPG is a two-player game where one player is a former mech pilot trapped in space sending out their final message to their loved ones. The second player has a fixed amount of time to reply to the message and even then there is no guarantee that their message will make it in time but they have to try anyway. 

The Wind In Our Hair

A game about a found family about a beloved member of the family falling into a troublesome situation and needing to be rescued by the rest of the family. Players must plan out an operation to save them based on a situation that the GM presents to them. The GM & players then together judge how the situation unfolds, rolling a single D20 to determine how successful or unsuccessful various parts of the plan played out.  

Fight Like A Girl, Girls Will Save The World

A narrative-driven TTRPG where players are magical girls fighting evil to save the world. They must team up against the newly risen Lich Witch who is trying to bring the end of days to fruition. They run mission after mission trying to drive back her forces before taking her on. They must overcome their new horrific reality while caring for one another and forming long-lasting bonds.

a liar, a cynic, a sinner, a saint

A narrative-driven TTRPG for four players using tarot cards. 

Ghost in My Mistakes

A dungeon crawl TTRPG about a band of adventures haunted by having many failed adventures before finally hitting their stride and being the lauded heroes bards tell tales about. However, they want to conquer their Moby Dick and take on the Tower of the Forgotten a mountain dungeon they failed to complete when they first banded together. 

That Which A Star Remembers

A romantic two player game about an immortal and their reincarnated soul mate. 


A comedic card-based RPG where players adventure through a haunted location chasing a mysterious being who is played by the GM. They are bent on discovering what they deem to be the truth of the matter about the mystery in question. The story is crafted based on prompts on cards, dice rolls and responses from players.

Hey, It's Your Destiny Calling

A two-player, GM facilitated TTRPG where one player is the newly anointed chosen one and the second player is their companion a former chosen one helping them master their destiny. They go on a test run mission together and must overcome the various hardships and steep learning curve of being the chosen one. 

shine on sunshine

A TTRPG where you play people working towards a collective goal where independently of one another you are not the best at what you do but you try your hardest and do your level best to grow and better yourself and as a team, you shine brighter than the sun itself and can accomplish amazing things.

First Of The New Gods

A multiplayer d20 based TTRPG about a group of adventures who are exalted heroes in their own right and are about to be gifted with godhood. The players must come together to tell the story of their heroic deed. Players collectively put together a story about what they did to result in this gift. The GM rolls a single d100 on chart to determine if there are any unforeseen parts of the story being left out and the players must elaborate on.

Tales From a Talking Tiger

A four-player narrative first game with a GM about a small family who are interplanetary explorers going from place to place saving the galaxy as they go. The GM plays the part of a child who is dreaming up adventures for the family to go on while the four other players explore their roles in surprising and unplanned situations that the GM comes up with. 


(...) The GM sets up a situation giving both parties equal amounts of information. The players pulling the heist on one sheet of paper write out their plan. On another piece of paper, the opposing player writes out their defensive measures. They are then compared and a d6 roll determines who gets to modify their plan. 

Our Wanderlust is Endless

A road trip narrative TTRPG where the party goes on a trip. 

Gradually, then Suddenly, then All At Once

A two player card game involving soulmates & time travel. Players are soulmates who can communicate with one another but only via a journal that their future self has. 

Don't Take It Personally, I Just Don't Like You

A card based conversation game between two opposing forces.

Attack & Dethrone

Set in the world of Neo Cities Chronicles play as a magical girl with your mecha companion as you try to stem the incoming Once-From-Before. A For the Queen inspired card based game about the every day lives of magical girls. 

All Our Wildest Dream

A five player role playing game about imagination, magic, worldbuilding and survival. 

PS Longer Letter Later

A traditional epistolary letter writing game about distance told via collaborative storytelling. Play as two or a group of friends separated via a great distance who's only means of communication are written letters mailed back and forth. Meant to be played over a long period of time.

First Rule of Fight Club

A game about who can keep the secret the longest.